Red license plate dresser.

“Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here. Make. Good. Art.” ~Neil Gaiman

I love being an artist.  It is my passion.  I love the feelings that come along with creating and transforming a piece of furniture.   It gives me such satisfaction to take something old, worn, and broken and restoring it and giving it a brand new life and a new purpose.
Last week I got an idea for this brown dresser and marched forward with the vision and the details came to me as I went along.  Here is the before image of the dresser;
Before. Red license plate dresser by Endless Acres Farmtiques
How I transformed this dresser:
  • Sanded and painted red.
  • Applied a thin layer of Minwax stain + poly.
  • Removed drawer pulls and filled in holes with wood filler.
  • Attached rusty license plates to each drawer, for character.
Dresser after:
I hope you enjoyed this transformation!